Welcome to Krateros, the digital repository for the collections of epigraphic squeezes at the Institute for Advanced Study.
The squeezes, which are three-dimensional, mirror image impressions of inscriptions, were created and donated to the Institute by the Epigraphical Museum in Athens and some of the greatest epigraphers of the twentieth century, including Louis Robert, Charles Edson, Sterling Dow, and David Moore Robinson. Stephen Tracy, Professor Emeritus of the Ohio State University and former Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, has written an introductory primer on the squeeze collection, and Christian Habicht, the late Professor of Ancient History at the Institute, has provided an overview of the Origin and Development of the squeeze collection. The digitization project is funded by a Humanities Collections and Reference Resources grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and by generous gifts in memory of Fowler Merle-Smith and from the Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund for Arts and Sciences.
The digitization of these squeezes is a work in progress, and thus new items will regularly be uploaded. The team’s current focus is on squeezes pertaining to Inscriptiones Graecae Volume II, second edition, i.e., IG II(2). These squeezes will be uploaded in more or less ascending order by their IG II(2) number. Please note: although conventional practice is to indicate the edition of a published work with a superscript Arabic numeral (so, e.g., the third edition of Inscriptiones Graecae volume I would be IG I3), on this website and in the Krateros database we instead place the Arabic numeral in parentheses. Thus, the third edition of Inscriptiones Graecae volume I is rendered IG I(3). We have elected to take this approach for the sake of consistency, as the metadata fields in our database do not permit the use of superscript formatting.