The short answer is, I'm using the COVID Alert NJ [1]
app on my smartphone. I find it to be a safe, secure, and private
way for me to participate in helping to stop the spread of
COVID-19. That being said, I didn't trust the app blindly. I
In the upcoming months IAS will be making a change to the login
process for our web based applications by adding support for Duo
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This is the same technology that
we currently use for our remote access system...
Now that we've moved our meetings to being online, there are
some safety concerns that we need to keep in mind that we never had
to think too hard about before. We are seeing news articles about
"Zoom-bombing", where uninvited guests join public...
The story starts with an innocent email from a supervisor,
colleague, or friend asking for your help. They tell you a tale
about how they need some gift cards for gifts to family, friends,
potential donors, etc...
We are inundated with information nowadays, from the tweets,
texts, TV, streaming, email, mentions, etc, etc. This hectic
lifestyle puts us into a mode of needing to respond as soon as
possible to any interruption or notice that happens in...
I'm writing to let you know of a change happening on June 27th,
2018 to our Central Authentication Service (CAS) front page. CAS is
used for a single place to sign in for many of our websites that we
use here at the IAS. We are...
Subject: Fwd: Wire Transfer Initiated Wire Transfer is about to be
initiated, Please Confirm Attached Invoice. Open Invoice | Download
Invoice Open Invoice (https://invoibnvdswa(.)com...
What is having a Meltdown and
what does a Spectre have to do with it?
A vulnerability has been found in modern computer processors
(after 2009) that allows one program to steal data from another
program on the same computer. Computer programs are...