
If you want to type in other languages, you can add different keyboards
  1. Choose System->Preferences->Keyboard
  2. Click on the Layouts tab
  3. Click on Add
  4. Click on Layout Options and go to "Key(s) to change layout" - This will allow you to use keyboard...
In order to install other languages in your browser: For Firefox:
  1. Click on the Menu button (three horizontal lines on the right-side of the toolbar).
  2. Click on Preferences->Content
  3. Under Languages, click on Choose
  4. In the "Select a language to...

On your Linux desktop, there should be a Windows Icon. If you click it, it will start a Windows session.
It is the same username & password as your Unix account. If this is your first time logging into windows, you will have to change your password...

On a Sun Ray terminal,

You can either type resolution , or choose 'Screen Resolution' from the RedHat menu.

You can also follow the instructions below.

To make your resolution smaller (larger icons)

1) Run utsettings and choose the resolution...