2022 Summer Collaborators

Topic of Research: The centralizer algebra of a tensor power of a two-dimensional simple module over the Drinfeld double of that Taft algebra

Lead collaborator: Ellen Kirkman

Additional collaborators: Rekha Biswal, Van Nguyen


Kirkman SC group 2022
Michelle Huguenin













Topic of Research: Open Dynamical Systems Avoiding Arbitrary Balls: Statistics, Geometry, and Thermodynamic Formalism.

Lead collaborator: Tushar Das

Additional collaborators: Giulio Tiozzo, Mariusz Urbanski and Anna Zdunik


SC Das group photo
Tushar Das








Topic of Research: Studying Hilbert's 10th Problem via Explicit Elliptic Curves

Lead collaborator: Florian Sprung

Additional collaborators: Debanajana Kundu, Antonio Lei


Summer Collaborator Sprung group