Near Eastern Studies and Digital Scholarship @IAS Joint Lecture

Hidden gem of a bygone era: A polythematic work from a Rasulid era

The Oriental Collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is home to a great variety of manuscripts, and early printed books. Its holdings range from one of the largest collection of Tibetan manuscripts and blockprints in Europe, through a complete series of books in Ottoman Turkish printed in the first half of the 18th century by the Müteferrika Press in Istanbul, to the Kaufmann collection, one of the most well-known libraries of Hebrew manuscripts, early printed books and genizah fragments.
After a brief overview of the history of the Oriental Collection, the lecture demonstrates the use of digital humanities through the example of an undated manuscript of a polythematic work from the Rasulid era, the Unwan al-sharaf of Ibn al-Muqri’ (d. 837/1433).

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Date & Time

October 28, 2020 | 12:00pm


Kinga Dévényi


Corvinus University of Budapest, and The Oriental Collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences