Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar

On triple product L functions

Establishing the conjectured analytic properties of triple product L-functions is a crucial case of Langlands functoriality. However, little is known. I will present work in progress on the case of triples of automorphic representations on GL_3; in some sense this is the smallest case that appears out of reach via standard techniques. The approach is based on the beautiful fibration method of Braverman and Kazhdan for constructing Schwartz spaces and proving analogues of the Poisson summation formula.



Date & Time

May 07, 2020 | 4:30pm – 5:30pm



Jayce Robert Getz


Duke University

Event Series



Please note that this seminar will take place online via Zoom. You can connect to this seminar via the following link and password: Password: the three digit integer that is the cube of the sum of its digits